From now on, in the event of a speeding violation, the case management system that processes the violation determines the amount of the administrative fine based on the measured speed – the ORFK answered the question of Vezess.
Police made it official that from May 1st there is no longer the previous allowance for the speed posted by the traffic police. To put it more specifically: from now on, speeders will be fined after reaching a lower speed. Until now, the deviation called the margin of error for traffic paxes was 3 km/h up to a speed of 100 km/h, while a deviation of 3 percent was tolerated above that. This meant that the actual speed limit was not 50 or 60 km/h, but 53, 63, 93 km/h. But that’s over. This can mean nothing more than a fine for those driving at a speed of 51 km/h at the 50 sign Ádám Janklovics, a lawyer specializing in traffic matters, said to them.
Referring to the aging Hungarian car park, the lawyer also drew attention to the fact that the odometer of older vehicles can be deceiving. According to him, it is reasonable to assume that when driving older cars, the indicator shows 50 km/h in vain, that is, the driver is driving according to the rules to the best of his knowledge, but it may still happen that the traffipax measures him at 51-52-53 km/h. The article also mentions that where speeders are still not stopped, speeding can still be avoided. Under 100 km/h, up to an extra 15 km/h, while above 100 km/h up to 20 km/h, the police do not act according to the principle of objective responsibility. In other words, you can in principle avoid a fine even at 150 km/h on the highway with your own car.